Shared By:
Jennie, Maine/California
Meet Our Family:
Good morning! Welcome to a day in the life of the Bryants.
Daniel is a prior service Marine who works on submarines and hopes to start his own business.
Angus, 9, is a Star Wars and Shakespeare enthusiast and the family extrovert. We wouldn’t know nearly as many people without him and we probably should have had a few more children so he’d have more people to talk to during the day.
Iona, 7, loves to cook, craft, make art, and dance. She’s making lunch as I type this up.
I (Jennie) am a writer and run vacation rentals of our home when we’re on the road. Daniel and I were both homeschooled as part of our own educations (6 and 3 years.)
Our Morning:
This morning, I got up at 7:00. I meant to get up at 5:00 to do my quiet time, practice French, and work out, just like I intend to do every day. I bet I’d get around to it more if I didn’t stay up until 11:30 every night watching inane YouTube videos. As it is, I woke up when Angus started creaking the floor above me. He and Iona climb onto my bed and we read a Psalm together, then they watch me do French on Duolingo for awhile until they decide they want to start practicing their own apps. Yes–school started before breakfast, voluntarily!
On the perfect day, I will have eaten breakfast before they get up and will read a chapter of a read-aloud while they eat, usually oatmeal with apples or blueberries. On an average day, we will listen to a chapter of Story of the World audiobook, which is good, too, except that I think I (and maybe the kids) retain more when I read it aloud.

After breakfast, we do our book work. I find that if it doesn’t get done before lunch, we’re in for a battle after. Book work includes Daily Geography, A Reason for Handwriting, Daily 6-Trait, sometimes Language Smarts and/or Mathematical Reasoning, Critical and Creative, Explode the Code, and Editor-in-Chief. It may also include Story of the World maps and Apologia Astromony text and workbooks. We also do Splash Math and are hoping that Beast Academy launches their app soon!

While the kids do some independent work, I try to do the budget, pay bills, do a little cleaning here and there, manage our cabin rental, etc. I usually have big plans that don’t pan out.
Our Afternoon:
After a late lunch of leftovers or some fresh veggies, fruit, cheese, and/or eggs, we might do some reading together, finish up the morning’s work, do an art project or lab, or have our pleasure reading time–30 minutes of silent reading that we all love!
On Tuesdays, we go to the local school for a Good News Club run by Grandma. Sometimes we go over to Grandma and Grandpa’s to play games or practice Dance Mat typing on their desktop computer (can’t do it on the ipad.)
Our Evening:
Around 3:30 or 4:00, I start supper in order to have it ready when Daniel gets home at 5:00. He has to get up very early for work, so it’s a bit of a rush to get every one in bed fairly early.
The kids have free time for awhile, then get their pjs on.
After supper, we finish getting ready for bed. Sometimes we have a Bible story or read-aloud. Always, we pray together and then kids read in bed with flashlights. It amuses me that a classic kid misdemeanor–reading under the covers–is a regular part of our family life. I love to read, so it’s not surprising!
Favorite Timberdoodle Tool:
We’re all big fans of Editor-in-Chief. I actually do some freelance editing and I truly enjoy it, so it’s fun that the kids like it, too.
I absolutely love Story of the World. It’s exactly what I was looking for, a story-based history that is worldwide, not just Euro-centric.
I love seasonal activities and just generally find Critical and Creative fun.
We loved Aquarellum and math Wrap-Ups and Slimy Space Slugs and all the graphic novel books that we bought.
More About Our Family:
We road-school a lot, traveling with my husband’s job–I’ve described a typical day in Maine, but actually, we are in California for four months right now. I tore out all the pages we had left in our workbooks (traveling light), finished history and science before we left, and added in some California history and nature to our studies while here.
One of the photos I included is from a three week roadschooling trip to Daniel’s family in Alabama! Have school will travel. 🙂 We hope in the future to be able to do even more with our travels!
Shared By:
Angus, Maine/California
Meet Our Family:
My name’s Angus and I have a sister named Iona and she likes to do cooking projects. My mom likes to write books. My dad likes to hike and go on adventures. I like to play with my cousins. We had a pet fish but he died. I like underwater and around the world and Shakespeare.

Our Morning:
I wake up and it’s when we go on a field trip and go shop for other people for Christmas. We get up, we eat breakfast, and then we drive to Auntie’s house and start the day. At Auntie Bee’s we brush our teeth and soon we go out on our field trip. We go out to some shopping places and we find stuff that we want to buy for other people. First, I’ll go with my mom or my auntie. We’ll go to Whole Foods. After some shopping, we’ll have lunch.
(Mom’s note: every year, we do this field trip. We work on budgeting and math and try to incorporate other skills. One year we studied simple machines and then hunted for levers, gears, etc. at a local Christmas themed shop.)
Our Afternoon:
After we went to lunch, we go to some other places. Soon we go home and wrap them or wait for a different day, usually wait for a different day. Then we wrap them and prepare for Christmas.
Our Evening:
We had supper and after that we’d go to bed and either read books or just go to sleep.
Favorite Timberdoodle Tool:
I like Smart Cookies. I like Story of the World. I like Daily Geography.
More About Our Family:
My birthday is in June. On my birthday I got the ship model and protein bars. The protein bars are yummy. My sister’s birthday is in January.

Shared By:
Iona, Maine/California
Meet Our Family:
My Mumma is very cute and I like to cuddle with her in the morning.
My bruzzy is someone who likes to watch Star Wars.
My Daddy always wears the same hat every day.
I like cooking so I like Smart Cookies because it’s cooking, and when I play it, I use a chair for an oven when I’m done putting the cookies on the pan the right way.

Our Morning:
I wake up and have oatmeal and then we do school.
We start with doing (Explode the) Code,(A Reason for) Handwriting, (Daily) Geography, Daily 6-Trait Writing, and Critical and Creative. Then we go on to Astronomy, which we finished now. And Splash Math and Mindsnacks (French app). We also do Story of the World.
And at lunch time, we have lunch. Usually by lunch, we are done with school and we play.
Our Afternoon:
I play with the toys that are stored down in the basement like pop beads and critters and sometimes Legos.

Our Evening:
For supper, we usually have healthy things. Sometimes we have pizza but we use wraps for the crust. Sometimes we have chicken. And sometimes salad.
And then sometimes we watch a movie, but not usually. Then if we do watch a movie, it will be late. One week, we watched three Narnia movies in one whole week in a row!
And then when we go to bed, we usually read to ourselves and then go to bed. We usually do two books.
Favorite Timberdoodle Tool:
Daily Geography. I like that it’s easy and I like to color the maps. Sometimes I don’t do all of it.
More About Our Family:
We have monkey bread at Christmas. We have a daybed.